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Institute 193
215 North Limestone
Lexington, KY 40507

193 SHOP
193 North Limestone
Lexington, KY 40507



Institute 193 collaborates with artists, writers, and musicians to document the cultural production of the modern South.

Institute 193 Recurring Donors


Jessica Alcalde Matt Arnett Natalie Baxter Phillip Catledge David Clardy Eric Neal Cornett Nicole Cota Joy Drury Cox Anne Doran Thomas Ducklo Lauralee Estill Patrick Estill Daniel Falt Maïa Ferrari Ryan Filchak Elizabeth Filchak Michael Fleck Emma Friedman-Buchanan Elizabeth and Gary Hansen Douglas Harris Jonathan Harris Patricia Harris Richard Harris Jodi Hays Alice Heinz Karyn Hinkle Lori Houlihan Jeffrey Johnson Nathan Jones Phillip March Jones Claudia Keep MaryAnn Keep Clarissa MacIntosh Reba Mariarty Samuel Chase Martin Guy Mendes Haans Mott Adam O’Neal Keelan O’Sullivan James Ogden Eric Oglander Karina Ors Maria Owen Caitlin Phillips Amy Pleasant Jenna Robison Tania Sanchez Elizabeth Schad  Craig Schmitt Smith Schwartz Dianna Settles Aaron Skolnick Benjamin Sollee Lina Tharsing Tops Gallery Marsha Trainer Brian Whang Rachel Witus


with additional support from:


LexArts has provided funding support for Institute 193’s programming through its Fund for the Arts.

The Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency, provides operating support to Institute 193 with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Institute 193 has received support from the Ruth Foundation for the Arts.

The Alpenglow Foundation has provided funding support for Institute 193 and its general operations.